
Papers in 2024 (*: Corresponding Author):

  • Yao Xin, Chengjun Jia, Wenjun Li*, Ori Rottenstreich, Yang Xu, Gaogang Xie, Zhihong Tian, and Jun Li*, “A Heterogeneous and Adaptive Architecture for Decision-tree-based ACL Engine on FPGA,” In IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), 2024. [paper.pdf]
  • Qilong Shi, Chengjun Jia, Wenjun Li*, Zaoxing Liu, Tong Yang, Jianan Ji, Gaogang Xie, Weizhe Zhang, and Minlan Yu, “BitMatcher: Bit-level Counter Adjustment for Sketches,” In IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2024. [paper.pdf]
  • Yao Xin, Wenjun Li*, Chengjun Jia, Xianfeng Li, Yang Xu, Bin Liu, Zhihong Tian, and Weizhe Zhang, “Recursive Multi-Tree Construction with Efficient Rule Sifting for Packet Classification on FPGA,” In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2024. [paper.pdf]
  • Lu Cao, Qilong Shi, Yuxi Liu, Hanyue Zheng, Yao Xin, Wenjun Li*, Tong Yang, Yangyang Wang, Yang Xu, Weizhe Zhang, and Mingwei Xu, “Bubble Sketch: A High-performance and Memory-efficient Sketch for Finding Top-k Items in Data Streams,” In ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2024. [paper.pdf]

Papers before 2024:

  • Qilong Shi, Yuchen Xu, Jiuhua Qi, Wenjun Li*, Tong Yang, Yang Xu, and Yi Wang, “Cuckoo Counter: Adaptive Structure of Counters for Accurate Frequency and Top-k Estimation,” In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2023. [paper.pdf]
  • Yao Xin, Wenjun Li*, Gaogang Xie, Yang Xu, and Yi Wang, “A Parallel and Updatable Architecture for FPGA-based Packet Classification with Large-Scale Rule Sets,” In IEEE Micro (MICRO), 2023. [paper.pdf]
  • Ruyi Yao, Cong Luo, Hao Mei, Chuhao Chen, Wenjun Li, Ying Wan, Sen Liu, Bin Liu, and Yang Xu, “CoLUE: Collaborative TCAM Update in SDN Switches,” In IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2023. [paper.pdf]
  • Yao Xin, Wenjun Li*, Guoming Tang, Tong Yang, Xiaohe Hu, and Yi Wang, “FPGA-based Updatable Packet Classification using TSS-combined Bit-selecting Tree,” In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2022. [paper.pdf]
  • Yao Xin, Wenjun Li*, Gaogang Xie, Yang Xu, and Yi Wang, “Updatable Packet Classification on FPGA with Bounded Worst-Case Performance,” In IEEE Annual Symposium on High-Performance Interconnects (Hot Interconnects), 2022. [paper.pdf]
  • Yuxi Liu, Yao Xin, Wenjun Li*, Haoyu Song, Ori Rottenstreich, Gaogang Xie, Weichao Li, and Yi Wang, “HybridTSS: A Recursive Scheme Combining Coarse- and Fine-Grained Tuples for Packet Classification,” In ACM Asia-Pacific Workshop on Networking (APNet), 2022. [paper.pdf]
  • Cong Luo, Chuhao Chen, Hao Mei,  Ruyi Yao, Ying Wan, Wenjun Li, Sen Liu, Bin Liu, and Yang Xu, “BubbleTCAM: Bubble Reservation in SDN Switches for Fast TCAM Update,” In IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS), 2022. [paper.pdf]
  • Yao Xin, Yuxi Liu, Wenjun Li*, Ruyi Yao, Yang Xu, and Yi Wang, “KickTree: A Recursive Algorithmic Scheme for Packet Classification with Bounded Worst-Case Performance,” In ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS), 2021. [paper.pdf]
  • Ruyi Yao, Cong Luo, Xuandong Liu, Ying Wan, Bin Liu, Wenjun Li, and Yang Xu, “MagicTCAM: A Multiple-TCAM Scheme for Fast TCAM Update,” In IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), 2021. [paper.pdf]
  • Yao Xin, Wenjun Li*, Yi Wang, and Song Yao, “An FPGA-based High-Throughput Packet Classification Architecture Supporting Dynamic Updates for Large-Scale Rule Sets,” In IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Poster, 2021.[paper.pdf]
  • Wenjun Li, Tong Yang, Ori Rottenstreich, Xianfeng Li, Gaogang Xie, Hui Li, Balajee Vamanan, Dagang Li, and Huiping Lin, “Tuple Space Assisted Packet Classification with High Performance on Both Search and Update,” In Special Issue on Network Softwarization & Enablers,IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), 2020. [paper.pdf]
  • Wenjun Li, Xinwei Liu, Wenxia Le, Hui Li, and Huayu Zhang, “A Practical Range Encoding Scheme for TCAMs,” In ACM annual conference of the Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM), Posters and Demos, 2019. [paper.pdf]
  • Hui Li, Ting Huang, Tong Yang,  Wenjun Li*, and Gong Zhang, “A fast flow table engine for Open vSwitch with high performance on both lookups and updates,” In ACM annual conference of the Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM), Posters and Demos, 2019. [paper.pdf]
  • Wenjun Li, Tong Yang, Yeim-Kuan Chang, Tao Li, and Hui Li, “TabTree: A TSS-assisted Bit-selecting Tree Scheme for Packet Classification with Balanced Rule Mapping,” In ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS), 2019. [paper.pdf]
  • Jiuhua Qi, Wenjun Li*, Tong Yang, Dagang Li, and Hui Li, “Cuckoo Counter: A Novel Framework for Accurate Per-Flow Frequency Estimation in Network Measurement,” In ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS), 2019. [paper.pdf]
  • Wenjun Li, Dagang Li, Xinwei Liu, Ting Huang, Xianfeng Li, Wenxia Le, and Hui Li, “A Power-saving Pre-classifier for TCAM-based IP Lookup,” In Computer Networks, 2019. [paper.pdf]
  • Wenjun Li, Dagang Li, Yongjie Bai, Wenxia Le, and Hui Li, “Memory-efficient Recursive Scheme for Multi-field Packet Classification,” In IET Communications, 2019. [paper.pdf]
  • Wenjun Li, Xianfeng Li, Hui Li, and Gaogang Xie, “CutSplit: A Decision-Tree Combining Cutting and Splitting for Scalable Packet Classification,” In IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), (Best-in-Session Presentation Award), 2018. [paper.pdf]
  • Chonghui Ning, Wenjun Li*, Xinwei Liu, Ting Huang, Wenxia Le, and Hui Li, “EcoCAM: A Power-saving and Memory Efficient Packet Classification Scheme in TCAMs,” in Workshop on Efficient Real-time Data Network, IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium(RTSS), 2018. [paper.pdf]
  • Wenjun Li, Xianfeng Li, and Hui Li, “MEET-IP: Memory and Energy Efficient TCAM-based IP Lookup,” In IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), 2017. [paper.pdf]
  • Xianfeng Li, Yuanxin Lin, and Wenjun Li, “GreenTCAM: A memory- and energy-efficient TCAM-based packet classification,” In International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), 2016. [paper.pdf]
  • Wenjun Li and Xianfeng Li, “HybridCuts: A scheme combining decomposition and cutting for packet classification,” In IEEE Annual Symposium on High-Performance Interconnects (Hot Interconnects), 2013. [paper.pdf]
  • Zhao Ruan, Xianfeng Li, and Wenjun Li, “An Energy-efficient TCAM-based Packet Classification with Decision-tree Mapping,” In IEEE International Conference of IEEE Region 10 (TENCON), 2013. [paper.pdf]
  • Wenjun Li and Xianfeng Li, “Scalable Packet Classification Using Hybrid and Dynamic Cuttings,” In IEEE International Conference of IEEE Region 10 (TENCON), 2013. (Best Student Paper Award Nominated). [paper.pdf]